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Pourquoi le péridot est une pierre d’amour ou d’honneur

Why Peridot Is A Stone Of Love Or Honor

* Peridot has often been mistakenly confused with emerald. * The Egyptians have long been fascinated by this gem with brilliant and unique hues. They even affectionately named it the “Sun Stone”. * The sultans exploited it for their honor. During the Crusades, it was the stone of the knights par excellence. Its meaning in different cultures This stone has long been used as offerings during ceremonies to the gods and the sacred world. * Israelis glorify her and say she represents the spirit of the divine. * Christians associate peridot with the Holy Spirit, the story of the beginning...

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Les 5 grands pouvoirs du rubis

The 5 great powers of the ruby

Ruby is the stone of attraction par excellence. It is one of the rarest and most expensive gemstones, much rarer than the diamond. Its name is simple: it means the color red. Ruby has been prized by queens, duchesses, the noble class and celebrities since the dawn of time. Discover these great powers by reading on. What we don't know about ruby The ruby ​​has long been shunned. It was not suitable for the royal class because of a black color which dulled the shine of the stone. It therefore did not have the purity necessary to make it precious...

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10 bijoux coups de coeur pour des vacances de rêve

10 favorite jewels for a dream vacation

It finally feels like vacation. We are free to go about our most pleasant occupations among friends. We want to go out, go to a restaurant, a bar or a café and look our best at all times. You are so happy to have rediscovered the taste for dressing with refinement that you want us to suggest jewelry or sparkling kits to make you want to fully enjoy the summer season. La Forge d'or therefore invites you to leave the slack at home to have fun shining divinely in good company. Here are the best of the La Forge d'or...

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Pierre du mois de juin : la classique perle

Stone of the month for June: the classic pearl

The history of the pearl is impressive. She has always been admired and loved by human beings. She never goes out of style. Its shine and look are said to be timeless. Find out how she managed to charm the whole world today. Our pearls from the time of the caves Yes, yes, you read that right. They have been found in Paleolithic tombs. It is claimed to have found beads sewn on the clothes of prehistoric men. This true gem of nature has been prized by men and women since the dawn of time. Funeral rites, inheritance and pearls...

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13 secrets sur le GÉMEAUX

13 secrets about GEMINI

This sign is the unloved of astrology. Its history is controversial. It is said that the symbolism of Gemini represents the heads of twins who spend their time between heaven (good) and hell (evil). We therefore distrust him excessively. However, deep down, he is not more malevolent than the others, quite the contrary. He has the ability to play with his different parts of him, which always ends up making him charming and endearing. Learn more about it in this article. 13 personality traits to highlight 1.This sign is expressive and full of surprises. 2.He can amaze us because he...

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Ne rien oublier pour un mariage parfait

Do not forget anything for a perfect wedding

The best day of your life to say yes We've been dreaming of a one-of-a-kind wedding for months. That we want to live it big with all the people precious to us and that we can't wait to say yes to the one who has been making his heart beat for a while now. We want to think of everything so that this day is the most memorable and the most touching possible. We thought about the ideal date, the perfect place, the perfect wedding dress, important guests, wedding rings too. But have we thought about the different jewelry kits...

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