5 things to know about Aquarius

Are you an Aquarius or do you live with this sign? La Forge d'or invites you to have fun and discover some characteristics and elements associated with this eccentric and simple sign at the same time.
Are you ready?
Surprises, zone outings, discoveries
From one: Aquarius does not like banality and the daily grind. He needs more to feel alive. It is the great thirst for novelty. This air sign needs air to grow and flourish, year after year.
Dare to be original to attract his attention.
Two: the flowers associated with this sign are the orchid and the white lily.
Three: his planet is Uranus.
Four: his birthstone is garnet.
And five: he likes to radiate an original and high-end chic.
We can therefore honor him and surprise him with trendy and tasteful jewelry, which will suit him perfectly.
Here is what we offer to please the Aquarius in your life:
Some jewelry ideas with garnet here:
Express anchoring under the sign of Aquarius
Here is what La Forge d'or offers you to awaken the unique personality of Aquarius.
Every day, at sunrise:
Open the curtains and say thank you to life.
Thank yourself for just being who you are.
Now get out of your head and down to your feet.
Feel the roots grow under your toes and take root firmly in the ground.
Even the wind can't make you bend.
Take at least 3 deep breaths to feel connected to the Earth.
As an air sign, this will be a challenge. It's not always easy to take root in something solid. ;) But it is possible. And you have the right to spread your wings, too.
A good anchor will allow you to reduce your stress and feel more confident, while assuming your essence.
Discover our jewel with the effigy of Aquarius:
In stainless steel: https://laforgedor.com/collections/idees-bijoux-fetes-du-mois-de-janvier/products/steelx-collier-etoiles-astrologiques
Have fun shining every day of your life.
The Gold Forge team