3 secrets to having perfect alliances

It's so good to love each other. But you still have to find love. Spending your life with the one you love is an invaluable gift from heaven. If one cultivates this feeling carefully, it can become stronger than anything. And what could be better than celebrating this bond that unites us to each other by getting married? There's nothing more uplifting than a vibrant wedding with newlyweds happy to share their promise. Passing the ring on your finger is the symbolic gesture of what binds the spouses to each other forever. The choice of alliances is therefore of paramount importance before showing up for the big day.
At La Forge d'or, we have the secrets to help brides and grooms achieve their dream of a dazzling wedding.
Your story is unique. Take inspiration from her
By making the big request that day, he was adorable and surprised you like never before. You immediately felt that life would reserve you sweet and joyful surprises. That it was the beginning of a beautiful adventure with the person you have chosen to welcome into your life.
Are you a conscientious woman, who wants her wedding to be hassle-free at all costs? And you know that you have many steps to take and many things to organize to achieve your flawless wedding goal.
And the first thing not to neglect is to choose the symbol of your love: your wedding rings. This is the basis of all future spouses, for the success of a scintillating ceremony.
Let us take care of explaining to you our choice of alliances for eternal happiness.
The remodeling of an inheritance jewel
You have in your possession the ring of your union.
The ring of your mother, your grandmother, an aunt that you loved more than anything, was given to you with a lot of love and you have a mad desire to give it a second life? Have fun making it an even more powerful symbol.
How to do?
By remodeling the ring to suit your taste while keeping the stones and metals that suit you and adding what will delight you the most, remodeling will be the perfect solution for you. In addition, we encourage the enhancement of an existing jewel.
You can :
Add precious stones: diamonds, sapphires, emeralds.
You can even have unique and sumptuous details engraved on it.
Tell us about your desires without limiting yourself. We will tell you everything that is possible to achieve.
A simple scale-up
No nasty surprises when it comes time to put the ring on your loved one's finger.
Did you buy your wedding rings some time ago? It is essential to check if the size is still suitable the month before the big day. You never know. it is better to be certain that they are always as comfortable, neither too big nor too small. Otherwise, you will not be able to wear them. Or worse, you could lose them if they slip from your fingers. Prevention is always the best option to avoid disaster.
We are always available by appointment to check with you and carry out a sizing, if necessary.
Bespoke design of the rare pearl
What if your wedding rings were inspired by the depth of your love?
Each couple has its history, its colors, its ideals and its dreams. It is your originality that expresses the intensity of what binds you.
Do you want a jewel that does not exist anywhere else? A jewel created from A to Z for you and your better half? A simple or prestigious jewel in the image of your union? We have jewelers who will be happy and honored to create your future alliances with you.
Let us offer you the stones and metals that best suit what you want to express and display with pride.
To design wedding rings in your image, make an appointment with one of our advisors today: 514-453-1507 or by email at info@laforgedor.com
Gold wedding rings for a resplendent wedding
Before impressing the gallery, you want to impress your darling.
To complete the loop of our secrets at La Forge d'or, we share with you our stars for a successful marriage.
Scrunchies for women:
Emanuelle's Favorite: Princess Prasiolite Ring
Frédérique's Favorite: Halo Morganite Ring
Sarah Claude's Favorite: Pear Diamond Ring
For men
Tanya's favourite: Silver bangle
Vanessa's favorite: White gold bangle
Now that you've discovered all our secrets to obtaining absolutely divine wedding rings, which option will be yours?
Do you prefer a creation from scratch? Make an appointment now with one of our advisors at 514-453-1507 or info@laforgedor.com
Long life to our 2022 bride and groom!
The Golden Forge team :)