13 secrets about GEMINI

This sign is the unloved of astrology. Its history is controversial. It is said that the symbolism of Gemini represents the heads of twins who spend their time between heaven (good) and hell (evil). We therefore distrust him excessively. However, deep down, he is not more malevolent than the others, quite the contrary.
He has the ability to play with his different parts of him, which always ends up making him charming and endearing. Learn more about it in this article.
13 personality traits to highlight
1.This sign is expressive and full of surprises.
2.He can amaze us because he is always looking for new experiences.
3. You never get bored with Gemini. They are interesting people to meet for their great inner richness and their ambivalence which leads them to always explore around them.
4. The dual nature of Gemini is a wonderful gift: it completes itself.
5.However, his personality can sometimes be heavy to bear.
6. It's not always easy for him and those around him.
7.He goes easily from a cheerful state, with a lot of humor, to his serious side, with a critical mind on everything.
8.His greatest strength is that he has the instinct to show off.
9.He is not afraid to explore, to take action to find solutions off the beaten track.
10.He is an intelligent and cultured sentimentalist who avoids routine.
11.People born under this sign like to laugh heartily.
12.Their biggest challenge is to stop being afraid of being judged by their peers.
13. He's a big talker who you rarely get bored with.
It's time to restore its nobility to this most fascinating zodiac sign.
To satisfy a Gemini, you will have to use originality and finesse.
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