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We celebrate Mother's Day these days and very soon Father's Day. We asked Tanya Desforges how she sees the role of parenting when you own a family business.

When Tanya is asked about work-life balance, she jokes 'do you have another question'. In our hectic lives, guilt is the lot of many parents and it seems even more the case when you are a homeowner. Tanya recalls with regret the December 24 evening when the energy is not there; evenings when she is working and not with her children; those times when she can't ride her bike to school with them. Like other mothers, she feels very ordinary. She does not name it that way, but we can feel it in these words. Yet she goes out of her way to adjust her schedule to that of her children, but it never feels completely satisfactory. She found lots of little tricks to be with her children more often, in particular by involving them in her work, as her father did with her.

Moreover, she evokes with sensitivity those moments when Serge Desforges, her father, took her to Montreal to shop. This allows her to proudly say that she has known some of her suppliers for over 25 years. She also remembers those times when she, her brother and her mother would take care of the meal and then go to the jewelry store and have dinner with her father.

Like her parents, Tanya is not perfect. And yet, they taught her to never give up, to be respectful, to go for it, to be polite and in turn, she leaves these values ​​to her children. Our parents may be imperfect, but we love them with all our hearts. Maybe we should accept this for ourselves.

Certainly, as an adult we understand all the sacrifices that must be done to provide the best for their children. But Tanya also remembers all the times she missed her father and maybe that's why she knows the value of time so well. Every December, little Tanya saw her daddy for a while: a kiss when getting up and another when bed and that one, she was not even aware of it! Maybe that's why Tanya takes the time to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day. Some see it as a commercial party followed by another, but it’s just one more opportunity for Tanya Desforges to hang out with them. This is a chance to BBQ, celebrate and make something extraordinary on a Sunday afternoon. And that's how she sees the gift we give during this type of event.

What should be offered according to her, it is not a bébelle, nor a gadget or even less a gift to get rid of. The most important thing for your parents is time. Take the time to select a present, to choose it carefully, in order to make this moment overwhelming. And maybe that's why Tanya Desforges doesn't run a supermarket, but a jewelry store. In a jewelry store, what we offer are emotions and emotions are a breach in time.

C t is Mother's Day and Father's Day, let's take the time to celebrate together, let's take some time with them, because we all miss him sorely. But above all, let's celebrate together our imperfections as parents, because in spite of them, we transmit the best to our offspring.



