It's the summer solstice and we've been waiting for this season for too long! We thought it would never happen, but it's finally here and for the occasion we present to you the birthstone of summer!
More than 69 species of molluscs (oysters) make pearls and determine their color which can be white, gold, pink, blue, black… They have been used in jewelery since antiquity. Today, oysters are cultivated in order to have easy access to this magnificent mother-of-pearl. However, it is still possible to get your hands on so-called natural pearls, but they are rather rare. Like an onion, the pearl is made up of several layers that can easily crumble or scratch. That is why it is not recommended to wear them constantly.
Coming from water and more specifically from an oyster, it has always been associated with femininity, sensuality and love. We need only think of the painting The Birth of Venus by Botticeli , where the goddess of love emerges from a shell. In ancient Rome, wealthy families bought their daughters one or two pearls a year so that they would have an entire necklace when they became adults. They had for them the faculty of informing them of their health. The more they turned yellow, the closer death was.
This beautiful bright red gemstone gets its color from the presence of chromium oxide. In terms of hardness, only three other minerals surpass it, including diamond.
Ruby is often associated with blood. In the past, it was the most precious stone and it adorned many religious objects, because it represented the blood of Christ. To have courage and to be protected from injury, kings and knights also wore it as an adornment. Even today, it is given certain virtues: it is said to regulate the blood system; it would have the power to combat fatigue; it would ward off melancholy thoughts. Basically, it would stimulate life.
This stone, also known as Olivine, has been appreciated since antiquity. It is found in different shades of green ranging from yellow to brown. It was one of Cleopatra's favorite stones and was subsequently forgotten. It is the crosses which would have rowed it from the east and made it discover in Europe. Very fragile, shocks and even vinegar can damage it. It is recommended to use only dish water to clean it.
Symbol of inner strength, prosperity and abundance, it was appreciated by Pirates. They gave him the ability to ward off the evil eye. Today, this stone is given the ability to transmit energy and vigor and to purify thoughts.
Spinel, this stone still unknown to the public, is found in magnificent varied colors, ranging from blue, to red, to mauve and even to black. If it is still little known, it is because initially it was considered an impostor: it could easily be confused with a ruby. By the way, some famous rubies are actually spinels. This is the case for the "black Prince's ruby" found on the crown of England. This is because the bright red of some varieties of spinel can easily be mistaken for ruby.
The term spinel is a derivative of the Latin "spina" referring to the thorns found on the stone in its raw state. In Indian antiquity, it was called a red diamond and just like the ruby, it was worn by warriors, because it was a symbol of ardor, it protected against wounds and hemorrhages. Black spinel is granted the virtue of send bad energies back into the darkness and she would be able to amplify the aura up to 5 times.