At The Forge of Gold have thought to spoil all the mothers of this world. Because we are women, mothers and children too. We understand the critical importance of the role of mom in life. And we want to honor, celebrate and spoil everyone. What has our mothers done and still do for us that is worth celebrating with kind attentions or a meaningful present not only on Mother's Day, but throughout the year? span>
Give a symbolic gift for life
Has your mother already received a thousand and one present from you? Have you done the rounds of ideas on the market and are ready to offer something she will remember her entire life?
Giving a piece of jewelry that carries the essence of important family members can now be done with the family pendant that Tanya Desforges created with her daughter Mya. They came together to symbolically make a necklace to wear around your neck with love. They were inspired by what they would like to wear or give their mother before disposing of it in the jewelry store and online.
Many people ask themselves the following question: why buy this gift to my mother, my sister, my grandmother ?
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5 reasons to gift and preserve this family gem
1. You can surprise and deeply touch your mother's heart.
2. A shimmering gift that grows in value over time.
3. A jewel that does not fade and cannot be forgotten in a drawer.
4. Years go by and we can pass it on to all subsequent generations.
5. You can add the birthstones of your choice and renew the jewel according to the precious people who come into the world.
All these reasons are strong and valid for choosing the family pendant on Mother's Day.
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Get the birthstones that are part of your story.
From today, configure the perfect pendant with the gemstones of your choice.
Who will be the most fulfilled mom this year?
Click on the links below to select your stones and the shape of your pendant now: